As for "Money talks".... About 8 or 10 years ago, I worked as a bank teller for First of America Bank. I liked the job Ok but didn't care for the head teller who seemed to think the bank was her own personal bank and everyone else working there (including the bank manager) were her bitches. Yet, that job helped me learn something very important. I learned that "FOCUS" or paying attention to details is super important when you are dealing with money. When you walk through the door in the morning, you need to leave all the drama in your personal life behind. Why, because as you are counting out money, those little personal demons will mess with your mind and you will give out too much cash. Bankers don't like that in a teller. Slowing down and paying attention to details is vital in banking.
I don't claim to be any kind of money expert but it made me sad and angry to hear about well known and respected institutions of money in this country getting into such lousy shape because someone, somewhere got in a hurry and let those little greed and pressure demons take charge of their good sense. They lost their respect for money. Details were no longer important. Focus was out the window. Money can be a great tool to make a difference in this mind boggling world. Let's hope this ice water in the face moment in our nation's history will clear some heads and set things on a better path.