This post may look like an actual post for this blog. For instance, we have a lovely picture, full of inspiration. And you are reading words, which are the biggest part of a blog entry. Yet, NO, this is not an actual post. You are reading a journal entry. Yeah, that's right. A journal entry. I have gone for quite some time without writing anything. Don't get me wrong, I think about writing all the time. I'll see something happen in my world and think "I should write about that." Then, I don't and that small, daily experience is lost.... forever! And the guilt piles up on me because I know what was lost. Well, since it is happening everyday in everybody's lives, it's probably easily forgiven. So I went back to that lovely pin on my Pinterest board that speaks to getting started writing again when a lot of time has gone by since you last wrote. Her advice is to write a journal entry. So you are reading it. This is my way of plowing my way out of the ditch. I'm grabbing the rim with this and making my start.

Here goes: I've been sick! If you know me personally, you know this. It's the only thing I can talk about. I've had this creeping crud for a solid week. I was deep in the "Never coming back again" Forest. And all I could think about ( except for my husband is going to outlive me) was how it would be a great time to be writing something. And today, I realized something to write about - The Hopefulness of Coughed Up Phelm. I've had this horrible, banging on a barrel sound, cough all week. It has ruined my sleep and almost my health, with it's tickling the throat during the wee hours, blasting me off my pillow and out of my dozing. This morning, as I was fetching the mail, another coughing spell started and that rumbling barrel sound rang out - then a spoonful of phlem came flying out of me like a love offering. I know it sounds gross and IT IS, but it made me feel all excited inside. This affliction is leaving me! I will begin again!