I was talking to a friend the other day about entrophy... "a measure of the randomness, disorder, or chaos in a system." It's always with us. It's in every system that you can think of be it your heart, your car, the universe or the eye of a needle. Just when you think you have everything perfected entrophy shows up with a rust spot, a blood clot or a mass of dead, fake lady bugs accumulating in the corners of the window screen.
Entrophy is what makes being in a funk so scary. I can sit here and ponder the world in general but that won't stop the bucket of tomatoes sitting in my kitchen from rotting. And I can take action on the tomatoes and something else loses ground.
I believe that being in a funk is necessary sometimes. It gives us humans some rebooting time. A little time to regain our position and get started on new projects or new paths. I'm even contemplating taking a physics class. I feel like my brain needs a stretching. Of course entrophy will be at work on that too. It's such a vicious cycle.
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