Just wanted to jot a few things down. Don't expect a daily entry - I'm busy here! This is basically a running, written archive of my life.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Oh, the holidays!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Snow Days
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
p.s. back to Wizard of Oz moments..... I saw a huge, beautiful rainbow this morning.... it has been a weird day!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Nichol Street Experience - flue work
When I began work on this house back in January of 2009, the man from the gas company told me that he would go ahead and turn on the gas since no one was living in the house but in the event that it ever has to be lit again, we would need a cover over the opening to the pilot light on the gas water heater. Furthermore, the exhaust pipe from the water heater would need to be hooked up correctly. It was just a smaller pipe laying in a bigger pipe. So we had gas heat last winter. Over the summer, Phil had the gas turned off to save money. As the weather got cooler, I couldn't help but remind Phil that we needed to get the water heater situation covered. I figured this was his job since I have no idea about any of this and he's the guy. The weather continued to cool down.
Another part of me knows that if I don't get this together, it will be another month before he makes it back over here. I could wait it out but I want to be finished with this place!
The next morning, I took a few tools and the 4inch to 3inch conversion pipe to the basement and began tinkerin
Now for the pilot light cover. The original cover had disappeared a long time ago so all I knew to do was make a new cover. As I looked into the pilot light area, I noticed a pile of papers crammed in around the burn area. So I pulled the papers out and threw them in a pile on the floor. A woman's face caught my eye. She had pretty blue eyes and blond hair all arranged in a nice, up swept, going to the prom - hairdo. A man was standing behind her with his private part laying on her head, in that pretty pile of hair, like some kind of fancy Easter bonnet. The woman looked off into the distance as if she had something heavy on her m
I am almost finished with the spackling. I have the entry foyer and the kitchen to finish. I will probably have to do a bit more in the dining room as that too is a long story. It feels like I am in the home stretch. I won't say too much as it is always more than I figure on.
Monday, November 23, 2009
A walk through the garden
I am not that good with modern technology. I am trying to download or upload a 3 minute video I took of my garden. I believe this was made in September. The garden was grown in celebration of my son - Harrison's wedding in July to Brittany Barnett. By September there was a battle of weeds to be fought. They were the victor and I was the vanquished. So as you take the tour, please note that though there are weeds here and there, flowers also flourished. I will also admit that when I planned the garden, I underestimated the boom factor of flowers. I play garden like a child plays house. I put the zinnia too close to the path and didn't allow for the boom factor and by September, the zinnias have hidden the path. I find that gardening is a learning / evolutionary process. And it doesn't hurt to have a little patience.
P.S. Due to technical difficulties, I am so far unable to upload or download my video. Check back later.
Update: the video I have is 182 MB and this is apparently larger than allowed by Blogger. I will try to figure another way and hopefully without signing up for a you tube account.
Another Update: I was able to post the walk through my garden on my facebook page. My friends can watch it there.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween ya'll

Friday, October 30, 2009
Hang Ten - again
Hello Blog Fans! Well here we are at the top of the stairway. For the longest time, I contemplated just how to get up high enough to finish off the ceilings at the top of the stairs. As fate would have it, when the need became necessary, a way to do it developed. Let me bring you up to date on the Nichol Street Experience (my art project for 2009), all the upstairs rooms are ready to paint. I will be doing a final check before the painting begins but right now, that part is ready. The entire stairwell will be ready to paint in two more working days. I framed in the back door and cleaned up the wall around the door. I learned that I am not good at installing panelling. This is OK news to me because I've got enough to do. I had planned to put panelling over the rough wall around the back door area but it just wasn't working. Trust me, when I get finished with the house I will do a before and after blog feature. Anyway, Barnaby has been coming by to help me with some of the work. One day he went to Taco Bell for lunch. When he returned and saw me up on the ladder in the stairwell he almost lost it! "Mom, what are you doing?" I explained that the ladder isn't going anywhere and that I just think of surfing videos. He says "They land in water."
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
There's a party going on round here...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hang Ten
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Red Moon Rising
After downloading the videos to my computer, I thought that I might just delete the videos as it is hard to get a good movie of far away objects. Then I noticed the sounds in this video. And maybe I'm just weird but I love the sounds even if it is hard to make out the moon.
I was looking at the Prairie Home Companion website this week and came across a good piece of advice from Garrison Keillor. A young writer wrote in to him and asked "Do you have any advice for an aspiring young writer?"
Keillor wrote back ... " The first obligation of a young writer is to describe your parents, a major project. I also think you should start a novel right away. I put mine off for years, thinking I wasn't ready, but it's invaluable experience---- to set out to write a sustained work of prose fiction of a hundred-thousand words or so. The main character is you yourself, it's set in Bristol, and your parents are definitely in it. Your main character has to get in trouble and then get out. And maybe that's the problem here. You've been too good, too obliging, helpful, kind, considerate, thoughtful, generous, responsible, etc, etc. It's hard to be interesting writing about pure goodness. Find some vein of evil within yourself and work from that. You don't need to enact these things in real life, by the way. Unless, of course, you want to. The way to write a novel is to write a few hundred words a day, every day, no fail. So try it. Maybe it'll be a big failure, but big failures can build the foundation for great success."
Friday, August 28, 2009
Mama and me

Saturday, August 15, 2009
geezer in the geyser
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Progress Update
My son's wedding went off with only one hitch and everything was beautiful. Brittany was gorgeous in her dress and her hair looked like spun gold. I had such a good time but am feeling a little sheepish now. Why? Well as I was looking back through the pictures of the people dancing, I noticed that at the end of the evening, I was about the only person in my age group still dancing. Everyone else was less than 40 and looked cool dancing. But I love music and I hate to sit around. So what could I do but DANCE!?!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Work in Progress
Friday, April 24, 2009
This week in spring!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
"Oh no you dit ent!"
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Signs and Wonders
Later in the day, my baby sister called to chat and mentioned it was mom's birthday. I told her that I had been thinking of Mama this morning and we started to talk about how we miss her. At about this time a customer came into the cabinet store that I run so I had to go.
I tried to call my sister back after the customer left but she had gotten to class and did not answer.
Then late last night, my husband and I were laying in bed watching television. I hate to admit it but I have a love / hate relationship with the show The Family Guy. That raunchy show cracks me up, then they hit a nerve and I swear that I wonder if I should even be watching this mess. The jury is still out. So I'm watching the show and as many of you may know they oftentimes cut away to some side story. The cut aways knock me out! Hilarious! So last night at the end of the show, they cut away to an actual recorded tape of Conway Twitty. I have seen them do this before - they run a clip of Conway Twitty for about a minute or less. And it is very rare that they cut to Conway Twitty - maybe twice a season. So my husband mentions that he had never seen them cut to actual tape instead of a cartoon. I said that I've seen them do it a few times. And then I mention that Conway Twitty was my Mama's favorite singer. And it occured to me that it seemed a strange coincidence that Conway Twitty would be on television on my Mama's birthday. And maybe it's a sign. And what was he singing:
Hello Darlin, nice to see you.
It's been a long time.
You're as lovely as you used to be.
How's your new love? Are you happy?
Hope you're doin fine.
Just to know means so much to me.
End of cut away....and I noticed that as he was singing these lines, the camera slowly closed in on his face to add punch to his lyrics....like this was her personal message to me. I'm taking it as a sign. Hello to you too!
P.S. My Mama loved Conway Twitty so much she named a dog after him! Now, that's devotion.