Later in the day, my baby sister called to chat and mentioned it was mom's birthday. I told her that I had been thinking of Mama this morning and we started to talk about how we miss her. At about this time a customer came into the cabinet store that I run so I had to go.
I tried to call my sister back after the customer left but she had gotten to class and did not answer.
Then late last night, my husband and I were laying in bed watching television. I hate to admit it but I have a love / hate relationship with the show The Family Guy. That raunchy show cracks me up, then they hit a nerve and I swear that I wonder if I should even be watching this mess. The jury is still out. So I'm watching the show and as many of you may know they oftentimes cut away to some side story. The cut aways knock me out! Hilarious! So last night at the end of the show, they cut away to an actual recorded tape of Conway Twitty. I have seen them do this before - they run a clip of Conway Twitty for about a minute or less. And it is very rare that they cut to Conway Twitty - maybe twice a season. So my husband mentions that he had never seen them cut to actual tape instead of a cartoon. I said that I've seen them do it a few times. And then I mention that Conway Twitty was my Mama's favorite singer. And it occured to me that it seemed a strange coincidence that Conway Twitty would be on television on my Mama's birthday. And maybe it's a sign. And what was he singing:
Hello Darlin, nice to see you.
It's been a long time.
You're as lovely as you used to be.
How's your new love? Are you happy?
Hope you're doin fine.
Just to know means so much to me.
End of cut away....and I noticed that as he was singing these lines, the camera slowly closed in on his face to add punch to his this was her personal message to me. I'm taking it as a sign. Hello to you too!
P.S. My Mama loved Conway Twitty so much she named a dog after him! Now, that's devotion.
1 comment:
I had her on my mind as well! I think she was have loved that..all those thoughts that people had of her yesterday and all year round. I like family guy too, sometimes.
I love, love, love, love, this painting..did you do this? Where did this come from?
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