Hello again. This weekend marks the end of January 2010. The month started off with a cold spell and snow storm...typical for winter. I remember a weather lady getting close to histerical with the thought of this big storm coming in. Not only was she almost hiperventilating but she was starting to scare me. I hit the mute button but then became intrigued with the radar scan of the storm. By the middle of the day, it turned into a butterfly and moved on.
One night during the cold spell, I heard a sound that at first I thought was coming from our front porch. Then it became apparent that the sound was coming from the basement. It was the middle of the night. I got up and crept through the house to the basement door. Slowly I opened the door and peaked down the steps. I noticed pots and pans lying on the floor. Things had been turned over on shelves. But the thing that freaked me out was a wine rack, hanging from the basement rafters, that was swinging about as if a wild party was hiding in the shadows. I quickly closed the door and LOCKED IT! It was like a scene from a horror movie. The next morning I told Philip all about what had happened since he slept through it. He set a live catch trap in the basement to appease me. And I'll never forget how the next morning when I asked him if he had checked the trap, he headed for the basement door and said "I'll see if I caught your monster." And just as he finished the sentence, walking down the basement steps, he said "It's a possum!"
A group of us went to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky during January to celebrate my son, Barnaby's 30th birthday. I think that I am still pondering that experience. Imagine walking into a hole in the ground and discovering areas that are larger that your living room. Areas that are more like large theathers. And there are small areas and areas that you have to watch your head and lots of darkness. And speaking of darkness, as we, the tour, made our way through the cave, the lights were turned off behind us and it was like the darkness was chasing us out or at least following us. It was just strange.
One of the big reasons that I have not written in some time is that I have been working like a deranged lunatic on the Nichol Street house. And the best news of January is that Philip hired extra help for me. His name is Mark and man can that guy work. He has put in cabinets, hung an entry door, caulked every crack in the house, closed up the fireplace, fixed lots of stuff. And the thing I like is that I don't have to keep checking to make sure he is doing stuff. He's doing more stuff than me. So this is just a little shout out to good help!
One night during the cold spell, I heard a sound that at first I thought was coming from our front porch. Then it became apparent that the sound was coming from the basement. It was the middle of the night. I got up and crept through the house to the basement door. Slowly I opened the door and peaked down the steps. I noticed pots and pans lying on the floor. Things had been turned over on shelves. But the thing that freaked me out was a wine rack, hanging from the basement rafters, that was swinging about as if a wild party was hiding in the shadows. I quickly closed the door and LOCKED IT! It was like a scene from a horror movie. The next morning I told Philip all about what had happened since he slept through it. He set a live catch trap in the basement to appease me. And I'll never forget how the next morning when I asked him if he had checked the trap, he headed for the basement door and said "I'll see if I caught your monster." And just as he finished the sentence, walking down the basement steps, he said "It's a possum!"
A group of us went to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky during January to celebrate my son, Barnaby's 30th birthday. I think that I am still pondering that experience. Imagine walking into a hole in the ground and discovering areas that are larger that your living room. Areas that are more like large theathers. And there are small areas and areas that you have to watch your head and lots of darkness. And speaking of darkness, as we, the tour, made our way through the cave, the lights were turned off behind us and it was like the darkness was chasing us out or at least following us. It was just strange.
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