Thursday, February 18, 2010

Painting Has Begun

    On Monday, Mark and I started painting the Nichol house - interior. He  was using the paint sprayer and I spent my time washing down the wood work. I have to admit that I have been dreading this portion of the remodel project. I can't explain why I feel this way. I guess that I see it as another mountain. And it feels like there have been many mountains to climb in this project.
    We spent 2 or 3 days taping windows, fixtures and floors to get ready. At some point, with blue masking tape and newsprint on the windows,  the house began to look like the inside of a cathedral complete with stained glass . Philip found us a fine sprayer. It churns the paint out at an amazing rate. In 2 days the entire inside of the house was painted. Sure, now we have to touch up the straggling points but it is amazing to see such progress in a short time.  By Friday, we hope to have all the painting and touch up finished. Next job, the floors. We have a deadline as renters are moving in on March 1st. "Damn the torpedos! Full speed ahead!"

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