Just wanted to jot a few things down. Don't expect a daily entry - I'm busy here! This is basically a running, written archive of my life.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
And now it's autumn.
Hello world. Welcome to your autumn experience. If you are living in an area that witnesses the four seasons, expect falling leaves. I spent the morning going through some old papers. I tossed most of them out. They were out of date. I spent a little time on some of my favorite computer sites and then decided that, perhaps, if I hurry, I can still do something significant with this day. It is 2 pm already and I've been to Facebook, Yahoo and Ebay about a dozen times. Such a waste. I don't mean that those sites are a waste, I mean, that rat, running to the feeding stall for another cup of pressed corn pellets, action.
I did venture over to Ted.com and listened to a speech on the Happiness Planet. Imagine the concept of a world based on a nation's happiness level instead of their accrued income. It's a strange concept. The very idea of making a world where happiness really matters. And having this happy world also designed around the idea of taking less from the planet. Did you know that Costa Rica is the happiest country? Our American culture is in the throes of the dark ages of violent movies, computer games, literature, personal relationships and throwing up walls to solve problems.
Well, Rome was not built in a day but it was built. We could rethink things in America. We're innovators. I'll try to attach the speech that I listened to today....
The speech should be above this post.
Here it is, your moment of zen.
Friday, September 24, 2010
A few thoughts on worry
I knew that this would be an expensive visit. I was scheduled to receive 2 crowns and I'm not even royalty. Now as I waited to enter the dental zone, I started to notice my feelings. I even asked myself why was I feeling so stressed.
The truth is, I've delayed this visit / procedure / decision since April. Back then the dentist told me that I would need 2 molars crowned. She looked in my mouth so matter-of-factly, told me I'd need crowning and then added "you might even need root canals." Which made me wonder if a person can faint sitting down. I even wondered about her bedside manner...."hey lady, there's a human heart in this body!" I'm thinking a person should be taken into a chapel for news like that.... at least a little soft music and a box of tissue.
I left the office pondering how to clue my frugal husband in on this news. And to tell you the truth, I didn't even mention this to him until this morning. I pictured him laying flat out on the floor with me wielding a defibrillator and shouting "clear!" Instead, he just mentioned something about a health savings account and handed me a check book.
Today I learned a big lesson - again. First off, there is no figuring my spouse, and try to stop worrying. Mostly, try to stop worrying. You see, I have been carrying those dentist's words around with me since April. I have pondered those words at all moments of the day. I have laid awake at night thinking about those crowns. Why? I'm not sure. This is the way worry wields it's tentacles into our souls.
I come from a long line of worriers. My mother had this fear that someone would break in on her and my Dad and do them great harm. She had that "Husband murdered - wife raped then murdered" headline playing in her head for a large part of her life. She was normally an upbeat person but lived that mental horror.
As the panic started building this morning and I found myself able to name it, I began an inner dialogue...."calm down, breathe, think of something fun and positive, everything is going to be ok, you want to keep your teeth." This helped.
I went to the dentist. I only needed the crowns - no root canals. Everyone was very patient with me, the sun was shining, the dentist with the charming bedside manner was not on duty, the dentist with actual charm was on duty, my husband never insisted on looking in my mouth, the numbness finally wore off, I took needed action and can move on.
They say that worry is a wasted emotion. Worry is fear in disguise. Maybe I have learned my lesson but if I haven't.... I'm not going to worry about it!
Here it is, your moment of Zen....
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
N.C. Recap
By now, many of you will have lost interest in my last blog about the gravel road and the yard sale to raise funds for gravel for the road. And who will be Barge God - lost from your mind. But there are those who have asked for an update. And there have been so many attempts at an update only to have the updates tossed away like balled up paper hitting the trash can rim. The mood has evaded me. Today, I begin again. At the end of July, I loaded up my car with my yard sale items and my personal stuff and headed south. North Carolina was in my sites. I was looking forward to seeing my family and having some fun in the process.
It was hot! I believe it was close to 100 degrees on the Sunday afternoon we gathered to sell our goods. We had so many wonderful and unique things to choose from. My sister Rebecca had women's cowgirl shirts, magazines, grab bags, and an assortment of household items. My sister Marlene has some quilts, toys for the kids, and a pound cake that almost started a bidding war between my nephew Zane and I. I pulled out my stuff only to realize that I had forgotten the Barge God hard hat at home! Along with all the other items that I had highlighted in my previous post. But I did bring a 2 x 3 foot poster of Elvis that was a crowd pleaser. It too almost caused a bidding war. My nephew Jody brought 2 pints of blueberry jam that his wife had made...I scooped those up before anyone could even see he'd taken them out to sell! My niece, Neva brought 2 super cool cowboy hats which made the day for my nephew Zeb's 2 children. And the best, most dear thing to me was that people bought stuff and donated money very generously to help get gravel for the road. We ended up raising $205.00. I am so blessed to have such a fabulous family!
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