By now, many of you will have lost interest in my last blog about the gravel road and the yard sale to raise funds for gravel for the road. And who will be Barge God - lost from your mind. But there are those who have asked for an update. And there have been so many attempts at an update only to have the updates tossed away like balled up paper hitting the trash can rim. The mood has evaded me. Today, I begin again. At the end of July, I loaded up my car with my yard sale items and my personal stuff and headed south. North Carolina was in my sites. I was looking forward to seeing my family and having some fun in the process.
It was hot! I believe it was close to 100 degrees on the Sunday afternoon we gathered to sell our goods. We had so many wonderful and unique things to choose from. My sister Rebecca had women's cowgirl shirts, magazines, grab bags, and an assortment of household items. My sister Marlene has some quilts, toys for the kids, and a pound cake that almost started a bidding war between my nephew Zane and I. I pulled out my stuff only to realize that I had forgotten the Barge God hard hat at home! Along with all the other items that I had highlighted in my previous post. But I did bring a 2 x 3 foot poster of Elvis that was a crowd pleaser. It too almost caused a bidding war. My nephew Jody brought 2 pints of blueberry jam that his wife had made...I scooped those up before anyone could even see he'd taken them out to sell! My niece, Neva brought 2 super cool cowboy hats which made the day for my nephew Zeb's 2 children. And the best, most dear thing to me was that people bought stuff and donated money very generously to help get gravel for the road. We ended up raising $205.00. I am so blessed to have such a fabulous family!
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