Sunday, August 7, 2011

Then again, maybe I will.

     I am in my upstairs bedroom. I had moved a bunch of my office equipment up here so that I might work on a project concerning a good friend.  The window air conditioner is humming such a lovely, low hum. And I have a small fan blowing against my laptop computer. The computer's inner fan gets hot quickly and shuts everything down. So the small fan keeps things cool.
     I am in pondering mode. I have come to appreciate the power of accomplishing a mission. And I think I came to understand it two summers ago. I am just now realizing my understanding.
     My younger sister asked me to paint a sign with a lodge theme. She wanted a bear in the sign. So I checked the internet for a few images and made the sign. I have to tell you that I amazed myself.
     When I finished her sign, I just stood back and stared in amazement. All the time that I was working on the sign, I seemed to be lost in a daze of color and shape. And then I just stared at that solitary bear making his way along the mountain top.
     Time moved on and different projects came my way. One of those projects was to make a hiking trail through a mass of shrubs and trees that run the border of our property. I started the project because I wanted my son and I to have a project that we could work on and perhaps grow closer. He was unable to help because of his work so I took on the project myself.
     After 3 months, I had made my way through almost 200 feet of wilderness. And it was wonderful. For the first time,since I've moved to Indiana, I felt like I was back in the wilds of the North Carolina childhood home.
I walk that trail and hear birds and view plants that vie for the space. A 3 foot tall Oak tree was in the path and I could not stand the thought of cutting it. So it is left to grow. I had planned to make the trail wide enough for a golf cart. So that in my old age, I would still be able to get out in the wild. Well, I am not old and so the tree grows in the path. We can step around.
     After these accomplishment and a few I won't mention. I've decided that I can do things. I can set my mind to something and work in that direction and I can accomplish that thing.
    Now,I am back to blogging. I think that my blog is the beginning of the trail. I see brush and briar before me but my goal will be reached.
    You may ask, what is my goal. And I will not tell you that because I keep the energy for myself. In time, all will be revealed.

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