I woke up early this morning. It must have been 3 am. It seemed light outside so I thought it must be around 7. I was ready to get up and start the day. So I was sort of disappointed to check the clock and find that it was only 3. I went back to bed and lay awake for another hour and then just gave up and climbed out of bed. I turned on the computer and checked several of my favorite stomping grounds. One of my favorites is Pam Garrison's Flickr photostream. She has some beautiful photos of home and garden. I was looking at her garden photos and what with the weather being 65 degrees or more yesterday, I started jonesing for the garden. I am so ready to start laying out my plans. I spent a little time this morning looking at some of my garden pictures from last year. The above picture is of a flower called love in a mist. I'm not sure why or how it got that name but I do love it! - mist or not. CORRECTION 3-08-09 The flower pictured above is actually bachelor button. It is very similar to love in a mist thus the mix up....sorry.
I got all the wallpaper steamed off the walls in the entry foyer and then washed the glue off the walls in there as well. Also, all the floor tiles have been removed from the foyer and most of the wood flooring has been cleared of glue.

Finally - I think this cow of ours, hates me as everytime she gets near me she stares me down and starts shaking her head back and forth like a pendulum - like she is contemplating a major head butt between us. She freaks me out but I cannot imagine what I did to get on her bad side.
1 comment:
Yesterday April and I went to the Arboretum in Asheville, have you ever been? It is a wonderment, a newer level of nirvana I think! If you're here over the summer I'd love to take you, I think you'd love it as much as we did.
Ha, that cow does look pretty miffed, perhaps she is just in a bad MOOd!
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