Thursday, September 15, 2011

so good - so far

     It is 11:30, Thursday night. It's getting cold outside. I believe the current temperature is 55 degrees. I have a space heater sitting approximately 2 feet from me. Yeah, winter beckons.
     Tonight my blog feels more like a journal. Personal thoughts threaten to surface until I remember that the whole world is watching....or could watch if it were so inclined. I proceed with caution, except for the fact that my life could be an open book. It would be the most boring reality TV show you'd ever watch. I'd give you 10 minutes at the most before your remote would attack.
     I like it this way. I am not a drama queen. The drama drains me. I left middle school a long time ago. I have a boyfriend - my husband. I get along well with women so you would never see a cat fight on my reality TV show. My four kids are the best a mom could ever hope for so no biggie on that front....nothing to see here except 4 young adults trying to make their way in the world.
     I want to be happy and I am. I'd like to be funnier so I'm working on that...(insert joke here). I added that part in parenthesis because I heard a woman comic use that the other night and it just struck me funny.
     I'm not overtly political but do agree with Republican presidential candidate - Herman Cain - that "America is too uptight!" A sense of humor can really help in dire straits.
     A little report on my dog -Daisy. She is getting better at not nipping everything within arm's reach of her. She gets excited and will jump into the air in what I call the croissant curl. She so wants to jump on me and hug me in her excitement but settles for the leaping, croissant curl. It's really funny.
     I'm giving a shot out to two websites that I like.... is absolutely great for those folks like myself who tend to procrastinate. I have gotten a lot of encouragement and good tips from this site. And yes, if you want to accomplish anything - break it down into incremental sections of time and YES use a timer. A timer is beyond belief in what it can do for you. An old saying goes "endurance penetrates marble" - that is what using a timer is all about!
    I also like It has a lot of great tips on cultivating happiness and gratitude in your daily life.
    So, there's a few thoughts for a cool, Thursday night.

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