Thursday, March 1, 2012

Journey's End - Day 30

   Here we are at day 30. I have entered a blog post everyday for 30 days. I don't know if a writing habit has been established in me but I hope so. It has been an interesting exercise. I've learned stuff.
     First off, I've discovered that I write like a robot. I write like Data from Star Trek, speaks. He could not use contractions, so he always went the distance; is not, would not , could not, have not, etc. By using contractions, a sentence is softened.
     I also think I do better writing in the morning or early in the day. All the entries that I've posted, that I like the most, were written during the early morning.
     Writing helps me relax. To me it's like downloading a file. My brain is full of thoughts, fears, ideas and other such nonsense. So when I write about that stuff, it empties my brain. I think that's why counselors recommend a patient keep a journal. Put it on paper and walk away.
      As for the future, I am not sure about my writing. I'm starting a new challenge in about a week. This challenge has me listing at least 5 things on ebay each day for thirty days. I really would love to get this habit established. So maybe that will give me fodder to write about on this blog.
     In closing, I have posted the above video. It is actually a youtube video that had a lot of other stuff with it. I just got such a kick out of this sweet dog, riding by like he does this stuff all the time. Bye for now.

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