My brain was a squirrel cage last night as I tried to settle down to sleep. My thoughts ricocheted from left to right. That's what happens when one waits for a muse to show up! There wasn't much to write about yesterday. It rained, off and on, all day. And what can you say about the rain? It poured. It came down in sheets. It came down in buckets. It drizzled. It rained cats and dogs .... Ok you can say a lot about rain! But do I need to write a book?
The only other story that I had was about the two guys working in the wood shop next to my studio. I could hear the saws buzzing away, when suddenly, they turned on some heavy, rock and roll music. It was blasting from the room! The recorded singer had a strong, steady voice. Then one of the guys, I'll call him Rick, who also plays in a band, started singing along with the recorded voice. I stopped dead in my tracks! Rick could not carry a tune in a zip lock bag! He screeched and see sawed on that song, giving it a jagged edge treatment but not in a good, groovy way. Luckily, when I came into my studio and the door snapped shut, I could no longer hear him.
After work, I drove Philip over to Frye Electronics to get his truck. He had a back up camera installed in the dashboard. Now, he can throw the truck in reverse, check the back up monitor and gun it! It's a luxury that comes with age.
We stopped for dinner at a restaurant then headed home in the pouring rain. By now it was dark and my eyeballs squinted and pained to see the road. "You just had to stop for dinner!" they seemed to say. "You know how we feel about night driving and now look at this mess! We can't even tell the side walk from the street in this shiny, black darkness." They would have closed in exasperation but why should we all suffer?
Did I tell you that Philip and I went to Canada in September? Luckily for us, our daughter's house is on the way and she invited us to come for the Black Swam Festival in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Before I begin, I never actually saw a black swamp while in Bowling Green but since they have this festival every year, it must be there.
On one of the days in Bowling Green, my daughter took us
on this lovely garden tour at Simpson Garden Park.
We walked along stunning trails, viewing beauty all around us.
They had an especially wonderful children's garden.
This is my grand daughter. I'll call her .... T Bone .... she was especially
excited to discover a Monarch Butterfly caterpillar in the garden.
Her second grade class was in the middle of studying Monarch Butterflies.
Then we became a little uneasy as we spotted gobs of vultures circling overhead.
There must have been two dozen or more of these creepy, cool birds looking for a BIG feast.
Stay tuned for more - next time.
1 comment:
I'm so glad we got to go to the park. Can't wait for you to see it in the spring!
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