Saturday, October 24, 2015

Writing and then some.

     I think about writing - a lot. In my mind, whose doors and windows are surely eeking closed as the days pass - I am living a large writer's life! On my mind mantel you will see a Pulitzer / make that two Pulitzer Prizes for writing. There's a Nobel Prize in Literature and a dusty Oscar for that Hollywood musical I worked on. My brain dusts these awards on a daily basis.
     The truth betrays these lies. Nothing has been written in quite a while. And as I write this post, much of what I will tell you will sound like excuses... not enough time, no inspiration from my muse, distractions, tired, etc (whatever 'etc'  might mean). The truth is I've not been writing - at all!
     This past week I came across a Pinterest site that called to me. "How to Get Back Into Writing After a Long Break, at It's a simple article that's inspired this post. She suggested a journal entry to loosen things up. The other option was to write the same thing over and over like: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy- into infinity. And isn't that a 'Shining' moment?  Hang on, that might be coming.
     I am writng these words. Nothing here for the Pulitzer committee to look over.  Just some written words to get my gears loosened up for the writing that I would like to be doing.

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