Sunday, October 23, 2011


     This is my dog - Daisy. She's my dog until she does something wrong, then she's my husband's dog. We named her Daisy though sometimes I think we should have named her Crazy. We got her in June from the pound in Anderson, Indiana. I've wondered often if they had her drugged and where can I get some more of that stuff for her. You see, when I went by the pound to check her out, after my husband had already put his seal of approval on her, she was calm as could be. I took her for a walk outside, around the building and she was easy as could be on the leash. There was another lady, with her child, walking a dog and Daisy barely even looked their way. When we got to the back of the building, a huge pitbull leaped with all his might into the side of his cage, wanting so badly to rip our throats out and Daisy just glanced at him with a "whatever..." look. So I figured we were good to go.
     Within a week of moving in at our house, Daisy was a hyper nut! Just like many puppies she liked nipping at everyone she came into contact with....just a little taste. Thankfully, she is losing that habit, but she still loves to jump up on people. Daisy is also a wander dog. When given a chance she will wander off. This trait was reinforced when she ran off down the road and a good neighbor of ours took her in and fed her oh so generously. After that, she wanted desperately to get away from us and head to the neighbors. Before you ask, yes we do feed her. Daisy is just a psycho nut puppy! 
 I haven't given up on her one day being a great dog. Right now, she looks through me when she looks my way. Maybe as she changes from puppy to dog, she'll gain a human side as well.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Double, double..."

     This photo was taken by my three year old granddaughter and she's in the picture!  We were at her soccer game and she asked if she could take some pictures with my camera. I will admit that I cropped out her Dad's shirt sleeve at the left and the opposing team standing across the field. This little section of the photograph reminded me of the 3 witches from Macbeth who chanted "Double, double, toil and trouble: fire burn and cauldron bubble." In actuality, it's her very pregnant mother to the left, my granddaughter and her Uncle Barnaby in the center and me on the right. We're on the sidelines, whipping up our own chants for a win.
     Yesterday was a lazy day and it came along at the perfect time. I was at home, taking it easy and I needed a day like that. I had some dental work done last week and you all know how much I hate dental work. A shot in my jaw left me with pain in my jaw and neck. Two days of rain just added to an over all sense of misery. Now that I have a crown on the afflicted tooth, things are looking up. I am healing. 
     Last week, I saw a newscaster on television who had teeth whiter than the whites of her eyes. It was so distracting to watch her talk with those fluorescent teeth. The other day, when the dentist held up the new tooth she'd sculpted (with the aid of a fancy new 3-D computer - printing system) for my mouth, I couldn't help but think of those pearly whites giving the news. My tooth was a little lighter than a Frosty from Wendys. It had earth and coffee tones whipped into a natural tooth color. The dentist and her assistant stood there in their white coats as we three admired the wonders of modern dentistry. Then they set about making magic in my mouth.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rainy Day

It was raining yesterday. This would actually figure because yesterday, in the rain, a team of six loaded a 45 foot shipping container with what basically remained of  the Newvo Deco Wallpaper Store.
    For those of you who are not familiar with Newvo Deco, allow me to quickly explain. 
    In the mid 90's, my husband and a buddy of his, bought a building in Indy. Their idea was to resale the building for profit. The building housed a vast collection of wallpaper - a wallpaper outlet.  And the story there is that the previous owners, collected old, industrial printers to repair and resale. In their search for old printers, they came across a wallpaper manufacturer in Massachusetts that had printers to sale with the stipulation that the buyers would need to take their entire inventory of wallpaper. So a wallpaper outlet was set up in Indianapolis. Semi after semi truck brought the paper, printers and everything involved in wallpaper manufacturing, to Indianapolis from Massachusetts. And the printer guys ran the wallpaper outlet for more than a decade until they sold the building and the outlet to my husband and his buddy.
    We ran the outlet for 6 or 7 years and the building finally sold. Just when I thought that all the paper would need to be sent to a landfill, two people showed up and bought the remaining paper. They loaded paper on trucks and hauled it to Anderson, Indiana. The kicker here is that they ended up renting space from my husband in this building, here in Anderson. When they got behind on their space rent, they gave the paper back to my husband.  
   The wallpaper has been sitting in this building for about 5 years.
     Meantime, my husband meets a young woman from Mongolia. She has lived in this country for
8 years and is basically into buying goods and reselling them.  She worked out a deal with my husband to take this wallpaper to Mongolia to resale. So now this paper and vinyl which has travelled from Massachusetts to Indianapolis to Anderson is  on it's way to Mongolia to line the concrete block walls of that nation's homes.  Bon voyage!

    Now that I've brought you this far, I'll give a quick run down of the trying times we faced yesterday.

*   The shipping container was an hour and 1/2 late getting here, so we had labor standing around ... waiting.

*    The shipping container people, expect the container to be loaded in two hours or extra charges of $75.00 per hour will be's called detention time and we racked up 3 extra hours of detention past the two hours allowed.

*   The guy who was generous enough to provide a forklift for this project had gone to lunch when the shipping container got into position, so the crew started off hand loading the container.

*   The guy generous enough to provide a forklift for this project, returned from lunch and moved one pallet before he realized that he was out of gas... so he left to go get gas - and the laborers continued to load the container by hand.

*  The guy generous enough to provide a forklift for this project returned with more gas and started moving skid after skid into place and was half way through the process before the forklift overheated and filled the entire building full of noxious fumes. He turned the forklift off to let it cool and the laborers were once again loading the shipping container by hand.

*The entire project was done in the pouring rain!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Habit forming?

     I have often heard it said that it takes 30 days to form a habit. And I recently came across a website on time management that insists that part of succeeding at a task involves motivation plus habit. So obviously, habit is important in the scheme of things, especially if part of my scheme for my life includes writing regularly on my blog.
     About two months ago, I started another blog entitled museum of love and marriage at blogspot. It was my intention at that time to give the world something to ponder lovewise - everyday. And my old computer died. Not an immediate death but a slow, tedious death, where I would often wonder if maybe there was hope....but there was no hope and the two of us are done.
    I went out about 10 days ago and got another laptop and now perhaps the planets will move into a lineal position and blogging can happen.
    Maybe a habit can be established.