Sunday, October 23, 2011


     This is my dog - Daisy. She's my dog until she does something wrong, then she's my husband's dog. We named her Daisy though sometimes I think we should have named her Crazy. We got her in June from the pound in Anderson, Indiana. I've wondered often if they had her drugged and where can I get some more of that stuff for her. You see, when I went by the pound to check her out, after my husband had already put his seal of approval on her, she was calm as could be. I took her for a walk outside, around the building and she was easy as could be on the leash. There was another lady, with her child, walking a dog and Daisy barely even looked their way. When we got to the back of the building, a huge pitbull leaped with all his might into the side of his cage, wanting so badly to rip our throats out and Daisy just glanced at him with a "whatever..." look. So I figured we were good to go.
     Within a week of moving in at our house, Daisy was a hyper nut! Just like many puppies she liked nipping at everyone she came into contact with....just a little taste. Thankfully, she is losing that habit, but she still loves to jump up on people. Daisy is also a wander dog. When given a chance she will wander off. This trait was reinforced when she ran off down the road and a good neighbor of ours took her in and fed her oh so generously. After that, she wanted desperately to get away from us and head to the neighbors. Before you ask, yes we do feed her. Daisy is just a psycho nut puppy! 
 I haven't given up on her one day being a great dog. Right now, she looks through me when she looks my way. Maybe as she changes from puppy to dog, she'll gain a human side as well.

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