Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sleigh Ride!

Hello and we're back. I have plenty to tell about our 2 week trip but let me tell you first about the drive to work this morning. It was snowing. I dropped my husband's chain saw blade off to be sharpened and a guy was outside the shop calling for a tow truck because at 8:30 AM he had already slid off the road and crashed his pull behind trailer into his NEW pickup truck. He lived to cell about it so I gave my condolence and travelled on to Anderson to my shop.
I was driving along highway 9 and I put a holiday tape in the tape player of my car. It's all instrumental music. So as I floated along amidst snowflakes and slick roads, a song came on the tape that sounded like music with horses clip clopping in the background. Just as I heard the clip clop, a cloud of snow blew off a car in front of me and I swear for a minute I pictured myself in a horse driven sleigh travelling into Anderson. I had to laugh. Snow flying everywhere and me bundled up in blankets behind the reins.
I thought of Florida too; nice weather almost everyday (except for the horrendous storms that blow through) and how a lot of folks go there to get away from cold weather. Imagine never seeing another snowstorm, no more tingling cold skin and deep cold breaths, icicles, frost (OMG! FROST! - God's icing!)