Sunday, February 5, 2012

Big Money - day 5

     I slept late this morning and woke up with a foggy head. The minutes are ticking away and I am at a loss for something to write. The weather outside (always a good go to) matches my thinking; foggy and damp. There, how was that? 
      It is Super Bowl Sunday - yippee! - not a sports fan. Truthfully, I would rather be playing sports than watching sports. Though the idea of some of those huge football players heading my way for the tackle, would probably cause me to reconsider this stance. 
     This morning, on television, the local reporter was talking to local volunteers for the Super Bowl. "Have you seen any celebrities? "Oh, we saw so and so at the Super Bowl Village. Last night we saw so and so at the concert at __________ (fill in the blank)."  And "We're not allowed to ask for autographs." All this tires me. They obviously have nothing prepared for television this morning so they drag out some local folks, one who brought her poodle to have it's picture taken in front of the big Super Bowl numbers in front of the Memorial.  This all reminds me of a report they gave on Friday night. All week long, the local news people have been hyping the Super Bowl Village and all the free activities that are taking place around the city. Zip line, zip line, zip line! Friday night the newscasters were in a panic as they reported that the fire Marshall had closed down or was taking actions toward a concert where people were being crushed or almost crushed. People were actually shoving each other over a free concert. "Packed like sardines" is how some described it. And the image of a woman, middle aged, with a white sweater draped over her arm and a pouty frown on her face will probably remain with me for months to come.

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