Thursday, February 23, 2012

StarGate 2012 - Day 23

    Today was an interesting day. I had every intention to get back to work on the Kickstarter Art Project that I am working on for my son's group. The frames were sitting there, waiting for my attention. I have hit a block that I want to call  "Let's question Sarah." And the questions start; "Is this something the recipient would want? Maybe this looks too, "old lady?" This is taking forever, when are you going to be finished?"
   I did what any artist worth their name would do, I took a break from the art work. I can't stand art, nagging me! Besides, I was looking for a certain file that had been placed in a box and stacked away amidst a lot of other stuff that had been placed in boxes and stacked away.  Trust me, I am trying to deal with my hording.
   I found the file that I was looking for but I also found a lot more. In a box of files, I found some stories that I had written in 1996. That's right, 16 years ago.
   I started looking through my writing. I came across a story that I will have to tell you over the next few days. I will clue you in that when I read one that concerned my daughter, I called her up, laughing, and we both ended up laughing.
   These stories started when I had the idea to carry a small rock around to use as a focus for daily stories. Stay tuned.
   In other news, I don't know if I have told any of you about what happened to me the other night. I was laying on the couch, it was getting late, and I called out to Philip - "Honey, would you carry me to bed?" I was just kidding. I had even stood up to go get ready for bed. Philip came in the living room and proceeded to pick me up in what I will just call "a bear hug." It was not pretty. My feet were about 12 inches off the ground and the human vise was doing his job of lifting me. I got scared that he might hurt himself so I said "Put me down. Ok, put me down." No sooner had those words left my mouth when we both heard a pop! It sounded through both our bodies and it felt like a twig had snapped in my rib cage. At first it was painful, then I suddenly felt great. I felt fine. At least until the next day when my left, lower ribs hurt.
    Last fall I fell while taking a hike and hurt my ribs. When I went to the doctor, I found out that I did not have broken ribs but the doctor told me that usually it's hard to break ribs. What usually happens is the lining is bruised and that is what is hurting.
   I was thinking about this today at the cabinet store. An older couple came in and bought 4 / 42 inch vanity bases. I was hurting but we had to get these cabinets loaded. So I was pulling and helping lift the cabinets into his van. I thought "This is gonna kill me!" But after they left I actually felt a little better. And it made me think of the story that, writer, Ann Lamott told about when she had her tonsils out. Her throat was in such pain. She kept telling the doctor that she needed more pain medicine. He refused to give her more pain pills. He told her that she needed to swallow her food even though she was in pain. The only way to it is through it. So now, instead of guarding my side, I am trying to stretch out the injured side. I think it's helping.
    So stay tuned for "Rock Stories - the series" beginning tomorrow.

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