Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday, Sunday - Day 19

    Sunday night is always slow for me. I use to think that Sundays depressed me. I'm not the only one who has this feeling. My daughter says she feels that way on Sundays, too. It's the end of the week. Most of the television shows are sick dramas -Without a Trace, Criminal Intent, Booth & Bones (though that's not the name of the show, it's just the main characters). All about murder or horrible treatment of the victims.
     I don't spend a lot of time on this stuff. I can't handle it; though I do watch the Closer. I love Brenda Lee Johnson. Their show doesn't concentrate so much on the murder but more on breaking the case. Love Brenda!
     Recently, I was laying awake one Sunday night and another thought came to me in terms of that uneasy feeling on Sundays. There I was, in the dark and I started to examine just what I was really feeling. Was I depressed? No. It actually felt more like some weird form of excitement. I was looking forward to Monday!
    Sunday was more like running my motor in neutral; waiting to get back to work on Monday.
    You may think it strange but I'm feeling like it's a break through.

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