Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oops - Day 17 on Day 18

    If you have been following my 30 day - form a habit - writing challenge, you probably noticed that I didn't write yesterday. Well, it was a long day. I got up at 6 AM, and was on my way to my daughter's house by 7 AM.
   We were on a mission. She had a house load of company coming to visit for the weekend. She gave birth to my grandson back in November - via Cesarean section. She needed help.  So, we worked all day, cleaning, condensing and organizing throughout the house.
    On my way home, I stopped to pick up dinner for my husband and I at the Marsh Grocery.
    I got home at around 7 PM and just got the dinner set out when Philip pulled up in the about your perfect timing.
     After dinner, I put the food away, straightened up the kitchen, then went into the living room to watch television with my husband, I considered it a perfect time to write on my blog.
     I remember sitting down in the recliner, putting my feet up and turning my laptop computer on as it sat in my lap.
    I woke up at about 12:15 AM, the laptop turned off and sitting beside me in the chair, the television was turned off and my husband had gone to bed. I guess that I was just really tired but I broke my chain of writing, which really bums me out.
     However, since I am determined to see this through to the end of 30 days because I would like to be a better writer, I will slog on. This is not me offering my readers an excuse for my absence. It's a statement of intent to succeed for myself.

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