Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday Musings - Day 16

     It's Thursday night. I'm parked in front of the television. It's been a long day and I just don't know if I can write for 15 minutes. So I will just sit here and wait to see if some thought comes my way.
     I feel bad about Whitney Huston's passing. It's so tragic. And I guess the thing I worry about the most is her 18 year old daughter Bobbie Christine. I heard that she had been admitted to the hospital, twice since her mother's death. I feel so bad for that kid. I found myself saying a prayer for her.
    I have been checking the Pinterest site lately. I love looking at garden ideas. I hope I'm going to be able to grow a garden this spring. I saw several new zinnias that I'd like to try growing.
     Philip has turned on a Clint Eastwood movie. OMG, I feel like I might be turning into TV Nazi. I hate Clint Eastwood movies!
     I just noticed that my son had posted on Facebook that he his stuck in LA traffic for 2 hours and maybe still waiting for another hour. This would make me worse than a Nazi.
    Good night, sport's fans.

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