Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Workshop Days - Day 7

     I've set the timer. Fifteen minutes digit away on the side table. It's almost 9:30 PM and I'm tired. I think I've had a good day. Two men came into the cabinet shop that I manage and actually bought stuff.
     I forgot my laptop charger cord at home. When I got to the cabinet store this morning, I had just enough power left to do my basic surfing. So I turned the thing off and organized in the office across the hall.
     There's a ton of personal items stored over there, waiting for me to decide whether to donate or organize a yard sale. I did a google search "Is it worth the effort to have a yard sale?" The majority, around 75% said it wasn't worth the effort. My oldest son says "Have a yard sale."  This weighs heavy on my mind.
    I moved a lot of the items that are on their way out of my world, into a separate room. I can decide at a later time. Right now I just want this stuff organized. It's taking up too much of my time and thought. I'm actually blogging about this stuff.
    An art project that I'm working on, consisting of six pieces, is moving along slowly. I had a picture of one of the objects to share tonight but accidentally erased it. Oops! 
     The lovely ladies pictured above are dolls that I made about 5 years ago for my sisters. Their dresses are made from shirts that belonged to our Dad. I made and gave these dolls to my sisters the Christmas following our Dad's passing.
   The timer beeps and I bid you Good Night. 

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