Saturday, February 4, 2012

Making spring plans - day 4

    I woke up early. It must have been around 6 AM. I have a lot on my mind. Now I am upstairs, the timer is set for 15 minutes and steaming coffee sits to the side to urge me on.
     It's been a mild winter. Usually in February, there's still snow on the ground from the beginning of January. This winter has just been wet and gray. Yet, with the mild temperatures feeling like early spring, I start to think about gardening.
     Though I have planted a few things in our landscape beds, it has been a couple of years since I grew an official flower garden. I think I have the bug to plant one this year. However, it is still early enough to change my mind.
   Another thing that has been occupying my mind is the web site, Pinterest. Months ago, I announced on Facebook that I am totally addicted to the Internet. I spoke of how I check my email, Facebook page, a couple of news sites, Boingboing, and 43folders many times throughout the day - a bad habit. Then I signed up for Pinterest. I have now gone from being a simple addict to shooting straight into the veins with one click of the mouse. Pinterest lets you tag interesting things you come across on the web and that article, picture, video is saved into what looks like a scrapbook.... a beautiful, thrilling, Internet scrapbook. It also shares other pinteresters scrapbooks. So if you are saving, for instance, garden ideas, you can also tap into garden ideas that thousands are saving. It is MIND BLOWING!  And I am just now getting familiar with the site. Who knows where this ends?
    Years ago, when we lived in Tennessee, we use to watch Dr. Who (the Tom Baker? era). Our whole family liked the series. Oh, you could tell that the monsters were actors in weird costumes (there's the 15 minute timer) but I think that made it more fun; not so serious. Anyway, there's a scene in one episode where Doctor Who lands in this cloud like place. A multitude of darkly dressed monks sit in tiny cubicles, their angel of death hoodies covering their faces as they work away at their computers. They are responsible for keeping time synced up. Well, it has been a while since I saw that show but that image of millions of monks at their stations, keeping time straightened out, comes to me sometimes when I'm on the Internet. Hooking up with Pinterest has moved me into the dark monks chair. All I need is the hoodie!

P.S. Now that I think of it, maybe the time keepers were just really old men without hoodies but definitely in monk robes. I like my first memory of them better - I'm sticking with the hoodies.

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