Friday, February 10, 2012

Hearing Things - Day 10

   I was sound asleep this morning. Suddenly I woke up with a "What the ... what?"The door between our bedroom and the kitchen was wide open and the television in the kitchen was blaring. And I don't say that with a naggy, complainy voice. The television was BLARING! I could have gotten up, gotten dressed in complete outdoor gear, gone outside on our porch, and still heard the morning news. It was that loud!
    Since my eyes were full of sleep, I was having a hard time seeing what was going on. I called out loudly for Philip. No response. Then I began to make out his image in the kitchen. He was sitting 30 inches from the television in his underpants and undershirt, enthralled with the news. It made me think of that old magazine advertisement for speakers, the one where the guy is sitting in an easy chair, in front of his stereo, and his hair and clothes are being blown backward by the sound. I hesitated to yell out again. As you may recall from earlier blog entries, Phil thinks I'm a TV Nazi. If you are envisioning me with a remote control in the Nazi salute position, that's not me!
    I knew that I would have to wait for the next ad to get his attention. So I waited and it seemed like forever but an advertisement finally came on and the spell was broken.
    Now what I am about to write may sound bad but I'll just say it. I feel horrible for those people who had the experience of having their cruise ship turn over. I especially feel bad for the people who lost their lives in the fiasco. But this morning when Anne Curry was shouting out the news, she told of how a huge number of passengers recently got sick on a cruise ship and the ship had to return to port. The same thing had happened on the same ship on the previous cruise. Then they cut to an actual passenger from this sick cruise. The lady says "We spent thousands of dollars on this cruise, only to be confined to our cabins, throwing up." And as I laid in bed, with the covers over my head to block out the light and sound from the kitchen, I said to myself "They must have been on the weight loss cruise." I crack myself up!
   Phil came into the bedroom, got dressed, and as he was leaving the room I told him to "SHUT ZE DOOR! TURN DOWN ZE TV!" And he quietly followed orders.

    P.S. These two pictures are the before and after pictures of what I thought was a bird in the bush but was actually something else entirely. One of Mother Nature's sneaky tricks! 

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